
Below are articles written by SWP and our advisors which are intended to give an overview of some of the critical aspects of shrimp welfare.
Are Shrimps Sentient?
What is the evidence for sentience in shrimps? And what is sentience, anyway?
This article will detail a definition of sentience, present the current scientific and legal consensus on shrimp sentience, and finally review the evidence of sentience in shrimps.
Shrimp Welfare & Sustainability
Can improving shrimp welfare lead to greater sustainability?
When animal welfare isn’t taken into consideration in shrimp production systems, the results include poor health, more disease, need for antibiotic use, higher mortality, environmental and ecosystem impacts, and ultimately lower resource efficiency and productivity. Looking after the welfare of shrimps can mitigate many of the most pressing issues created by the industry as it stands today.
Why stop using eyestalk ablation?
What is Eyestalk Ablation? What are the implications for shrimp welfare and aquaculture outcomes?
This article discusses the practice of Eyestalk Ablation (ESA), highlighting its effects on shrimp welfare and production.
Eyestalk ablation: Negative impact on animal health and welfare (Vietnamese)
Cắt cuống mắt tôm: Tác động tiêu cực tới sức khỏe và phúc lợi động vật
An article titled "Eyestalk ablation: Negative impact on animal health and welfare" published in Người nuôi tôm (The Shrimp Farmer) magazine.
The Shrimp Supply Chain
What is the journey for a farmed shrimp, from birth to slaughter, to plate?
This article will detail all stages of the shrimp supply chain, from Inputs, to Farming, to Trading, to Processing, to Exporting/Importing, and finally Distribution.
Shrimp welfare in aquaculture: what are the key factors? (French)
Le bien-être des crevettes en aquaculture: quels sont les facteurs clés?
The article explores the notion of sentience and how it applies to shrimps. The article also delves into the Shrimp Welfare Report published in November 2022.
Podcasts and talks
TALK • Asia Farm Animal Day (AFAD) 2023: Advocating for Aquatic Animals
Lien-Huong speaks about Shrimp Welfare Project's work, challenges, achievements and how the community can support and get involved in improving the welfare of farmed shrimps.
PODCAST • Andrés Jimenez Zorrilla on Shrimp Welfare Project and why we should care about shrimp
Shrimp Welfare Project is the only organisation solely dedicated to improving the lives of shrimp. In this episode we talk about the case for working on shrimp, the current scale of and practices within shrimp farming, as well as what Shrimp Welfare Project have learned over the past 2 years.
PODCAST • 80,000 Hours: After Hours Podcast - Andrés Jiménez Zorrilla on the Shrimp Welfare Project
In this episode of 80k After Hours, Rob Wiblin interviews Andrés about Shrimp Welfare Project, which he cofounded in 2021. It’s the first project in the world focused on shrimp welfare specifically and now has six full-time staff.
PODCAST • Curious Vedanth - Meet Lien-Huong Trinh
In this podcast episode, Vedanth interviews Lien-Huong Trinh, the Vietnam Programme Coordinator for Shrimp Welfare Project. They talk about the need to improve the welfare of farmed shrimp, and what the organisation is doing to help this issue.
TALK • EA Global: London 2022 - The State of Aquatic Animal Advocacy
Moderated by Bruce Friedrich (Founder and CEO of the Good Food Institute), Andrés is joined by Sophika Kostyniuk (Managing Director of the Aquatic Life Institute) and Alex Holst (Senior Policy Manager at the Good Food Institute) for a discussion on the state of Aquatic Animal Advocacy.
TALK • Asia Farm Animal Day 2022: Aquaculture - Do you really understand the industry?
Moderated by our own Lien-Huong, Andrés is joined by Haven King-Nobles (Executive Director of Fish Welfare Initiative) and Dr. Krzystof Wojtas (Head of Fish Policy at Compassion in World-Farming) for a discussion on the current state of aquaculture and common farming practices.
TALK • CARE 2022 - Lightning Talks
Andrés presents a 10 minute lightning talk at the Conference on Animal Rights in Europe 2022. The lightning talk is followed by a Q&A
TALK • Neglected Species - The Aquatic Life Conference
Andrés is joined by Daniela Waldhorn (Rethink Priorities) and Jennifer Jacquet (NYU), and each gives a presentation on some of the most neglected species in the animal welfare movement - shrimp and octopus farming.
TALK • Animal Advocacy Conference Asia 2021 - Project Announcements: Shrimp Welfare Project
Andrés presents Shrimp Welfare Project to Animal Advocacy Conference Asia (Nov 2021)